The Library circulates board games of social and/or educational merit to registered borrowers who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and in good-standing with the Library.
A patron may have no more than two (2) board games borrowed on his or her Library card at any one time.
The loan period for board games is two (2) weeks with no renewals.
The Library will not accept holds on board games.
Overdue fines will accrue at .50 cents per day up to the maximum replacement cost of the board game.
Patrons are not permitted to return board games to the Library's book drop. Rather, games must be returned to the Circulation Desk.
Borrowers are responsible for the safekeeping and return of all board game contents to the Library. The borrowing patron will be responsible for lost or damaged board games and accessories, as he or she will be responsible for paying the actual replacement costs, as determined by the Library, up to and including the full cost of game replacement. The Library will not accept a replacement game in lieu of a lost or damaged board game.
Games may be played in the Library, but must first be checked out to the eligible borrower on his or her Library card.
This is a loan program only. Therefore, the Library staff is not available for instruction. Detailed instructions are provided in the specific game box.
By borrowing and initiating use of the Library's board games, the borrower agrees to abide by the Library's policies and rules, and agrees to hold the Library and its agents harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities, directly or indirectly, relating to the use of the Library's board games.